4,815 research outputs found

    "El Fuero Juzgo: de la lengua a la política"

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    Se presentaron las más recientes investigaciones en torno a la necesaria nueva edición del Fuero Juzgo, tras haber publicado con Ángeles Romero Cambrón el libro titulado "El Fuero Juzgo: Historia y lengua" (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, Madrid, 2016) El conferenciante estableció las bases para la edición académica del Fuero Juzgo, compleja traducción romance del Liber Iudicum visigodo, hecha por primera vez en 1241 por orden de Fernando III, para otorgarlo a la ciudad de Córdoba. Durante la Edad Media, el código legal de origen visigodo no dejó de ser consultado y pasó a ser el ordenamiento local de las nuevas ciudades conquistadas por Castilla. La conferencia del Catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz explicó el proceso por el que se llegó a la edición de la RAE en 185 pero 1817, para lo que se requieren y se deben de combinar enfoques muy distintos, desde la lengua hasta la política, sin olvidar la historia, la crítica textual y el Derecho.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    MEMOLA project. Mediterranean Mountainous Landscapes: an historical approach to cultural heritage based on traditional agrosystems

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    Acceso página web Proyecto MEMOLA: http://memolaproject.eu/Four mountainous areas of the Mediterranean are being studied: Colli Euganei (Padova, Italy), Monti di Trapani (Sicily, Italy), Vjosa valley (Albania) and Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain). The main objective is to analyse cultural landscapes on these areas with a focus on the relationship changes between human communities and natural resources from Antiquity until today. The MEMOLA project proposes an interdisciplinary approach to cultural landscapes of Mediterranean mountainous areas, taking as a central axis the historical study of two natural resources, essential to generate agro-systems: water and soils.The MEMOLA Project - nº 613265 is financed by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (2014-2017)

    Hospitalidad y asistencia en la provincia de León a finales del Antiguo Régimen (1728-1896)

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    El trabajo consta de dos partes. En la primera analizamos las peculiaridades de la red asistencial en la provincia de León a mediados del siglo XVIII, centrándonos en su distribución territorial, ámbito de actuación y tipo de administración. En la segunda, hemos analizado el mayor centro hospitalario de la provincia en ese momento: el hospital de San Antonio Abad. Nuestro objetivo en este caso ha sido conocer el perfil sociológico de los pacientes allí tratados, atendiendo al sexo, estado civil, edad y procedencia territorial

    Non-Query-Based Pattern Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Massive Microblogging Online Texts

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    Pattern mining has been widely studied in the last decade given its great interest for research and its numerous applications in the real world. In this paper the definition of query and non-query based systems is proposed, highlighting the needs of non-query based systems in the era of Big Data. For this, we propose a new approach of a non-query based system that combines association rules, generalized rules and sentiment analysis in order to catalogue and discover opinion patterns in the social network Twitter. Association rules have been previously applied for sentiment analysis, but in most cases, they are used once the process of sentiment analysis is finished to see which tokens appear commonly related to a certain sentiment. On the other hand, they have also been used to discover patterns between sentiments. Our work differs from these in that it proposes a non-query based system which combines both techniques, in a mixed proposal of sentiment analysis and association rules to discover patterns and sentiment patterns in microblogging texts. The obtained rules generalize and summarize the sentiments obtained from a group of tweets about any character, brand or product mentioned in them. To study the performance of the proposed system, an initial set of 1.7 million tweets have been employed to analyse the most salient sentiments during the American pre-election campaign. The analysis of the obtained results supports the capability of the system of obtaining association rules and patterns with great descriptive value in this use case. Parallelisms can be established in these patterns that match perfectly with real life events.COPKIT Project, through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme 786687Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness TIN2015-64776-C3-1-RAndalusian Government, through Data Analysis in Medicine: from Medical Records to Big Data Project P18-RT-2947Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport FPU18/00150University of Granad

    Characterization of novel nanoemulsions, with improved properties, based on rosemary essential oil and biopolymers

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    ACKGROUND: Nowadays, it is of great interest to develop stable and sustainable formulations that act as nanocarriers of active ingredients. In this work, the droplet size distribution, rheology and physical stability of nanoemulsions with improved properties containing rosemary essential oil and biopolymers as a function of the concentration of these polysaccharides were investigated. RESULTS: Mean diameters below 150 nm were achieved, indicating nanostructures were obtained. Regardless of gum type, a gel-like structure and a shear thinning behaviour was achieved. In addition, an increase of G′, G″ and viscosity and a decrease of J0, J1, J2, λ1 and λ2 with increasing gum concentration were observed, due to the formation of a three-dimensional network in the aqueous phase. Slight differences between nanoemulsions containing welan or xanthan were found. Creaming, depletion flocculation and gel aggregation were the main destabilization processes at low, intermediate and high gum concentration, respectively. A 0.4 wt% gum nanoemulsion exhibited the best physical stability. CONCLUSION: These stable and sustainable nanoemulsions with improved rheological properties contribute to the development of biodegradable and non-toxic food or agrochemical products. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2015-70700-

    NOFACE: A new framework for irrelevant content filtering in social media according to credibility and expertise

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    Social networks have taken an irreplaceable role in our lives. They are used daily by millions of people to communicate and inform themselves. This success has also led to a lot of irrelevant content and even misinformation on social media. In this paper, we propose a user-centred framework to reduce the amount of irrelevant content in social networks to support further stages of data mining processes. The system also helps in the reduction of misinformation in social networks, since it selects credible and reputable users. The system is based on the belief that if a user is credible then their content will be credible. Our proposal uses word embeddings in a first stage, to create a set of interesting users according to their expertise. After that, in a later stage, it employs social network metrics to further narrow down the relevant users according to their credibility in the network. To validate the framework, it has been tested with two real Big Data problems on Twitter. One related to COVID-19 tweets and the other to last United States elections on 3rd November. Both are problems in which finding relevant content may be difficult due to the large amount of data published during the last years. The proposed framework, called NOFACE, reduces the number of irrelevant users posting about the topic, taking only those that have a higher credibility, and thus giving interesting information about the selected topic. This entails a reduction of irrelevant information, mitigating therefore the presence of misinformation on a posterior data mining method application, improving the obtained results, as it is illustrated in the mentioned two topics using clustering, association rules and LDA techniques.European Commission 786687Andalusian government FEDER operative program P18-RT-2947 B-TIC-145-UGR18University of Granada's internal plan PPJIB2021-04Spanish Government FPU18/0015

    Influence of the welan gum biopolymer concentration on the rheological properties, droplet size distribution and physical stability of thyme oil/W emulsions

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    The objective of this work is to obtain a stable and natural antimicrobial delivery system. Thus, the effect of the addition of a natural polysaccharide such as welan gum on the linear viscoelastic properties, flow behaviour, droplet size distribution and physical stability of thyme oil/W emulsions formulated with a wheat-derived surfactant was studied. All emulsions obtained show submicron diameters regardless of the concentration of welan. Emulsion without gum shows Newtonian behaviour under steady shear. Meanwhile, emulsions containing welan gum show a weak gel-like behaviour with higher G′ and G″ values on increasing the content of gum in the emulsion. Their flow curves illustrate a shear thinning behaviour with much greater viscosity than that exhibited by emulsions without gum. This behaviour fits well to the Cross model. The main destabilization process of thyme oil/W emulsion without gum is creaming versus flocculation and coalescence in emulsions containing welan. Rheology, diffraction laser and multiple light scattering techniques have proved that welan gum is an important rheological modifier for thyme oil/W ecological emulsions, it being possible to control the rheological properties of these emulsions by adjusting the concentration of gum. However, welan gum does not improve the physical stability of these emulsions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2015-70700-

    Anàlisi del sistema defensiu de segona línia en voleibol de platja femení segons el nivell de joc

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar les accions defensives de segona línia en voleibol de platja femení segons el nivell de joc exhibit per les parelles participants. Es van analitzar un total de 15 partits, dins els quals es van registrar 856 seqüències defensives completes en segona línia. Per a això, es va crear un instrument observacional (sistema de categories) a través del qual es va efectuar un registre sistemàtic de les accions defensives de segona línia. Es va fer un estudi de confiabilitat per determinar el grau de concordança inter i intraobservadors, i s’arribà a aconseguir una concordança entre els observadors > 0,80, la qual cosa avala la qualitat de dades. Després de l’encreuament de variables, els resultats obtinguts van mostrar una diferència significativa (x² de Pearson < 0,05) quant a les accions defensives a emprar per les jugadores. No obstant això, les parelles no van mostrar diferències en el patró de joc defensiu de segona línia segons el nivell de joc